Air Conditioning and Refrigerator Maintenance

I could have studied this in high school, but I did not. Perhaps that’s why I’m not entirely sure how to get at my refrigerator coils. However, I’m going to overcome that lack of knowledge, as I have accepted another Carbonrally challenge: the Air-out Your Fridge challenge. I’m not sure why it’s hyphenated, but it seems like a good idea. Look out, refrigerator. Sometime this week, I’m coming for you.

The air conditioner is working fine, although I probably need to clean out the filter there as well. Mostly, though, I wish we had air conditioning throughout the apartment, and not just in the bedroom. Where’s my June gloom?

And while I’m asking unanswerable questions, when did Dana Carvey become a low-rent Robin Williams? Low-rent Robin Williams. Now there’s a depressing thought.