An Apple A Day

A week ago, I took the day off work and went to lots of doctors. Well, several doctors. Well, three.

Nothing alarming is happening, but I like to stay on top of my regular checkups. Plus I need new glasses. I’ve been wearing these for four years, and the lenses are still fine, but the color on the frame has started to chip. Let’s face it, at some point my nail polish touch-up is going to become obvious. Fortunately, I found some frames that I really like, and am getting new glasses. I’m also getting new contacts, which I gave up wearing over four years ago, when I was pregnant with Baguette and did not have the energy to put in contacts.

Apparently I have a little more energy now, not that I can tell most days. Then again, I have started wearing makeup at least 60% of the time.

Mind you, I came out of the appointments with a few referrals (apparently that pain in the ball of my foot is not going away, no matter how many years I wait), and I still have to visit the find a dentist.

Being in your 40s is hard, y’all.

5 thoughts on “An Apple A Day

  1. I always feel better after I the preventative-maintenance doctor visits out of the way . . . kind of like getting the first utility bill at a new place. It’s not that I want the bill, it’s just that I like knowing that everything is set up properly. I certainly hope nothing is wrong, but I like knowing that I’ve shaken hands with my doctor in the event that, if something were to come up, there would be some thought in the back of his mind.

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