
I’m microblogging on Twitter now rather than Plurk. I know the Plurk thing lasted less than a day, but I really wanted to use Twitter from the start. For whatever reason, though, I had trouble getting the account straightened out…. Read moreTwitter

What Should I Be When I Grow Up?

You Should Be a Manager You’re very organized, motivated, and methodical. Fair and objective, you can see all sides of a conflict. You are a good mediator. You are task oriented. You do well with deadlines and schedules. And while… Read moreWhat Should I Be When I Grow Up?


I have friend who I refer to as “my hyper-connected friend from New York.” To avoid confusion of initials, I’ll call her H (for Hyper-connected, I guess). H knows everyone, as was demonstrated today. She was in Manhattan Beach, trying… Read moreNetworking

Organizing Principles

We have too much stuff. Actually, J says that we have a normal amount of stuff for where we are in life–but we have it in an apartment that is just too small. I think he may have a point…. Read moreOrganizing Principles


There Will Be Blood has been sitting on top of the TV for–I kid you not–two months. Clearly we are not maximizing our Netflix subscription. Or maybe we’re just not in the mood for drama. Enchanted has been here for… Read moreEnchanted


This week seems like it has lasted forever, but it’s finally done! J took the day off but is working this evening. I guess that’s not much of a day off. But the result is that I got home and… Read moreTGIF

Mission Accomplished

Achieved: two meatless days. This one was pretty much like the other, except that I didn’t realize until I was on my way back from hula that I hadn’t eaten any meat. Oh, and instead of ice cream I ate… Read moreMission Accomplished

What Kind of Shoe am I?

You Are Clogs You are a solid and down to earth person. You seek – and almost always achieve – a really sound balance in your life. You are stylish yet comfortable. Mellow but driven. Excited yet calm. You are… Read moreWhat Kind of Shoe am I?

Air Conditioning and Refrigerator Maintenance

I could have studied this in high school, but I did not. Perhaps that’s why I’m not entirely sure how to get at my refrigerator coils. However, I’m going to overcome that lack of knowledge, as I have accepted another… Read moreAir Conditioning and Refrigerator Maintenance