Some Days, All You Have Is a List

Because that’s all I can come up with at the moment. Here’s today’s list:

  • Three years ago, I thought Baguette would be making her bed soon. Nope. But maybe that’s something we can start.
  • We have started having her help feed Wicket in the evening. Baguette seems to enjoy doing that, once we get her attention. Wicket definitely enjoys it.
  • One of Baguette’s favorite things to do right now is play catch. Soccer ball, football, lacrosse ball, it doesn’t matter. And she’s getting pretty good–she can throw fairly accurately and with strength, and she can catch while walking toward me.
  • When I say “favorite,” I mean we play catch for 30-45 minutes a night. In the dark.
  • I’m actually going back to the gym. People say, “Good for you,” and I respond, “Look, I’m just trying to stay alive.” Seriously. This is my goal.
  • Thanks to this worksheet from her day care, I know what Baguette’s handwriting looks like. I can’t wait to see more.

handwritten word "ten" on a worksheet

4 thoughts on “Some Days, All You Have Is a List

  1. You know, “staying alive” is a very good goal.

    I’m a bit worried with my kids & handwriting . . . Leila, actually, no, I’m not worried about her. CJ, however, is getting VERY PARTICULAR about his letters and when it’s “ok” that he’s written something. In any case, though, I can’t wait to see the handwriting progress & grow.

    1. I started out with “I want to keep being able to carry Baguette” and “I want to have more stamina.” And then I realized that three of the people in my life–none of them tremendously close at this point, but in my age range–have either died or had major health crises. So now I have this goal.

  2. I’m just impressed Baguette can feed the dog. My kids aren’t allowed near the dog food because they eat it. Not that I think a little dog food would kill them, but they shove handfuls of it into their mouths and then don’t want dinner. Actually, everyone I know with toddlers has the same problem. Cat food, too.

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