Domestic Bliss

Mr. Sandwich and I are sitting on the couch, as we do. Each of us leans against one end so that both of us can stretch out. It’s cozy and good.

Just now, he has fallen asleep in front of The Colbert Report. I’d get up, but he’s holding my ankle in one hand and I don’t want to disturb him. It’s been a busy week. We both need whatever sleep we can get.

I’ve spent a fair amount of time on the couch this week; I stayed home sick yesterday and came home at lunchtime today. And although I’d rather feel well, the result is that I’ve been able to spend some time doing one of my favorite things: sitting on the couch and reading magazines.

It’s even better now that we have a bay window. That meant that I was also able to sit on the couch, look out the window, and watch the wind blow through the trees. It was a very windy afternoon. I’m mildly curious about what was thumping on the roof every now and then, but apparently I wasn’t curious enough at the time to see if I could spot anything.

So the combination of couch, husband, magazines, TV, view, and a cup of tea (there was also tea this afternoon) is a pretty tough combination to beat. It may not be dramatic, but it sure is good.