Farm Life

Pierce College in Woodland Hills has an agricultural program, and one weekend every year, they open up their farm to the public. Luckily for us, this was that weekend. Much of my time was spent complying with cries of “PIGGYBACK!”, but I still managed to get a few shots.

Pierce College Farmwalk - chickens

Pierce College Farmwalk - sheep shearing

Pierce College Farmwalk - Toy Train

We also saw a cow and its calf, a tortoise, an owl, a parrot, goats and a kid, and horses, but you’ll just have to take my word for it.

2 thoughts on “Farm Life

  1. that’s pretty awesome that she got to see how a sheep is sheered…what a great pace to learn and see animals. I know, I love to take pics but often am so busy that I forget and don’t get to.

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