Happy Halloween

Our new neighbor (new to us; technically, of course, we are the new neighbors) told us that we would need six bags of Halloween candy. We went through seven, and still had to turn away trick-or-treaters. I think next year we’ll get eight bags.

And on a completely self-indulgent note, at least a half dozen people told us that they really liked the house and the paint colors. But I think my favorite comment came from the little girl who said, “You don’t have anything in here!”

2 thoughts on “Happy Halloween

  1. So did you and J. dress up, too? Maybe he didn’t want to scare away the neighbors with his GI Joe get up. Maybe next year…

    Our neighborhood got invaded by minivans full of non-English-speaking folks from the Southside who trucked in to get the “good candy.” They had a point, since some of the neighbors were giving away full-sized candy bars. But I got irritated that the friendly neighborhood event was being usurped by interlopers.

  2. We thought about dressing up, but really didn’t have time. No time for pumpkin carving, either–too much moving!

    Our neighborhood gets a lot of outside traffic, too, but I actually like that. It’s known as a safe place for trick-or-treating, and I like the spirit of the holiday so much that I’m happy to buy more candy. Even if it’s more candy than I ever imagined having to buy!

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