How to Mommy Blog

That title should probably have a question mark at the end of it, because this isn’t an advice post. I’m too new at this topic to give advice (eh, like that stops me anywhere else). Instead, this is a post about my thought process regarding Baguette and blogging.

Baguette has no idea that I blog. I could post every day about everything she does, and she’d be none the wiser–she’s 15 months old. But someday she’ll be older, and she–and her friends–will be able to read. And surf the web.

With that in mind, I’m trying not to post things that I think will someday be embarrassing to her. Yes, I realize the time will come when my very existence will be embarrassing. But why provide fuel for that fire?

That’s why, for now, I’m only posting photos that don’t show her face. I don’t know how I feel about posting photos of her on the blog, because it’s public, and maybe several years from now she’ll be mad that I did that. I figure that photos of her back still give her that privacy. I’m not doing this out of a sense of safety–I don’t think predators go looking at random blogs thinking, “Maybe this one called ‘Tragic Sandwich’ will include photos of a small child.” But I do think she’s entitled to a measure of privacy.

So please bear with me as I figure out how to write about her, and parenting, and our lives. Hopefully I’ll manage to pull all of that together in a way that is moderately entertaining.

2 thoughts on “How to Mommy Blog

  1. Just want to say that I enjoy reading your parenting-related thoughts (and thoughts on food!). I think there is a lack of “mom” blogs from women who work 9 to 5 ; most seem to be written by SAHmoms or moms who work from home (writers, freelancers) so it’s good to get different perspectives on the work/life juggle.

    1. Thanks! I agree, and my goal here is not to criticize anyone else’s life and career choices–I think that each of us comes up with a solution that we hope is best for us and our families. That means we won’t all make the same choice, because we’re not all the same people. But there’s still a lot we have in common. Hopefully by learning more about each other, we can get past the “mommy wars” concept and be more confident in our own decisions.

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