Monday Listicles: 10 Ways Our Family Says I Love You

This week’s Monday Listicle is “10 Ways to Say I Love You.”

1) When Mr. Sandwich slides his warm feet across the bed to take the chill off my cold feet.

2) When Mr. Sandwich gives me socks to warm up my feet.

3) When Mr. Sandwich puts the socks on my feet for me.

4) That Christmas Mr. Sandwich gave me the exact slippers I wanted.

Clearly I really don’t like having cold feet.

5) The way, when I am violently ill, Mr. Sandwich will wrap me in a blanket or towel and just hold me.

6) The way Mr. Sandwich is always in my corner, even if I’m the one who’s being a jerk.

7) The way Wicket waits by the front door all day long so she won’t miss the moment when I get home.

8) The way Wicket gets up in the middle of the night to follow me to the bathroom.

9) The way Baguette ignores everything else in the universe when I show up. She almost never says “I love you,” but, wow, does she let me know.

10) The way Mr. Sandwich and I constantly say “I love you,” because our relationship is based on clear communication, and we don’t want there to ever be any doubt.

18 thoughts on “Monday Listicles: 10 Ways Our Family Says I Love You

    1. Then there’s hope for me! I envisioned that as time progressed, my feet would just get icier and icier.

  1. such a beautiful list babe…amazing how our kids show us they do indeed love us….the little things are always the biggest

  2. So sweet! I have to say though that I am not a foot person and while I hate having cold feet too, my dear husband knows that merely fetching me socks is enough! Funny how different we all are. Great list!

    1. What’s great is that it would never occur to me to ask him to do any of them (well, except the slippers–and I’ve asked him to get me socks when I’m already in bed and he’s next to my dresser), but I’m so touched when he does!

    1. This is a fair point. You do at least 95% of the laundry. You are the reason we are able to go out in public and not be disgusting monsters. I will tell the world.

      1. I think it needs more telling. Who do I talk to about taking out a banner ad on this site?

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