That Wasn’t Mickey


A mouse worked its way in through a gap under the sink, where it feasted on garbage. So we went on the offensive. But the mouse was too clever.

It eluded traps, but feasted on the peanut butter, honey, and cheese that served as bait. We’ve spent the evening trying to trap it, capture it, and evict it, which meant that we probably looked pretty comical as we poked around with mop handles and brooms. (Baguette was distracted by a series of Sesame Street episodes; Wicket spent much of the evening shut up in the bedroom, which she seems to have found comfortable but confusing.) And by “comical,” I mean that the only stereotype I did not fulfill was jumping onto a chair. Mr. Sandwich even said, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you scream before.”

After cornering it under the stove and attempting to chase it into the center of the room, we think it made its escape out the open door. Regardless, we moved the stove away from the wall and wound up dismantling it, just to be sure. If nothing else, the range and the areas beneath and behind it are much cleaner now.

But mostly, we really hope the mouse is out now.

Photo by Anifan, via Flickr.

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