The Plumbing Circle of Life

I don’t know what part of the continuum we’re on at this moment, but it isn’t a good one. Right now, as I type, the plumber is snaking the drain because the water is backing up into the tub and the toilet. Yes, again. At 10 p.m.

Here’s a video of the tub:

And here’s where the water pours out of the drain pipe, when in fact it should be draining out the other direction. You know. DOWNHILL.

We are so moving.

5 thoughts on “The Plumbing Circle of Life

  1. That is such a frustrating experience. I closed on our new home this past weekend but the plumbing backed up and water started flowing out of our drains. Guess what? Now we need new carpet. I feel your pain.

  2. Fortunately, we’re in escrow on a home that seems to have perfectly operational copper plumbing–much better than where we are now, definitely! Sorry to hear about your plumbing and carpet woes. That’s no fun at all.

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