Top 10 Movie Quotes

This week’s Monday Listicles is 10 Best Movie Quotes. So if you’ve ever wondered what Mr. Sandwich and I sit around quoting, well, here’s your answer. And while we’re at it, do you recognize any of these?

1) “But I was going to Toshi Station to pick up some power converters!”

2) “Do a good job, get a better job.”

3) From Star Trek II: The Wrath of

4) “This might be the garden spot of the whole country. People may travel hundreds of miles just to get to this spot where we’re standing now.”

5) “The trick is not minding that it hurts.”

6) “I know. You know I know. I know you know I know. We know Henry knows, and Henry knows we know it. We’re a knowledgeable family.”

7) “Never go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line.”

8) “In all my years, I never seen, heard, nor smelled an issue so dangerous it couldn’t be talked about. Hell, yes, I’m for debatin’ anything.”

9) “That’s my secret, Captain. I’m always angry.”

10) NSFW because of language, but it shouldn’t be a surprise if you read my post about holiday movies.

14 thoughts on “Top 10 Movie Quotes

  1. Luke was so whiny back when he was just hanging out and going to Toshi Station for power converters, wasn’t he? Our boy changed has grown so much!

  2. #7 – One of my favourite scenes ever. You have to do the crazy laughing too though, complete with toppling over at the end.

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