Holiday Traditions: Roundup

I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas–unless you don’t celebrate it, in which case I hope you had a very nice day. We can all use nice days. When I was a child (and a teen, and… Read moreHoliday Traditions: Roundup

Holiday Traditions: Opening Gifts

I’ve written about what we eat, and how we’re trying to balance different gift-giving philosophies. But what about the actual gifts? Mr. Sandwich’s family would get up and go for a run. If you don’t think this sounds traditional, then… Read moreHoliday Traditions: Opening Gifts

Holiday Traditions: Food

Growing up, we ate nothing in particular (well, something, not just anything specific) on Christmas Eve. Christmas morning was usually sour cream coffee cake with eggs and bacon. For Christmas dinner, though, we pulled out all the stops: Roast prime… Read moreHoliday Traditions: Food

Happy Mother’s Day

I can’t believe this applies to me! But lots of people have been calling and sending cards and posting Facebook messages–plus there’s a baby dozing a few feet away, so clearly it does. A few days ago, Mr. Sandwich asked… Read moreHappy Mother’s Day

Remembrance of Black Bean Sauce Past

All of my life, we’ve eaten a lot of Chinese food. When my brother and I were very young, our family didn’t eat out much. One of the few excursions we could afford on a semi-regular basis was dinner at… Read moreRemembrance of Black Bean Sauce Past