Shake, Rattle, and Roll

Today we had an earthquake. Sure, there are earthquakes just about every day. But I don’t feel most of them, so this one seemed noteworthy at 5.4 on whatever scale it is that they use these days. According to the… Read moreShake, Rattle, and Roll


I’m microblogging on Twitter now rather than Plurk. I know the Plurk thing lasted less than a day, but I really wanted to use Twitter from the start. For whatever reason, though, I had trouble getting the account straightened out…. Read moreTwitter

What Should I Be When I Grow Up?

You Should Be a Manager You’re very organized, motivated, and methodical. Fair and objective, you can see all sides of a conflict. You are a good mediator. You are task oriented. You do well with deadlines and schedules. And while… Read moreWhat Should I Be When I Grow Up?

What Kind of Shoe am I?

You Are Clogs You are a solid and down to earth person. You seek – and almost always achieve – a really sound balance in your life. You are stylish yet comfortable. Mellow but driven. Excited yet calm. You are… Read moreWhat Kind of Shoe am I?


We just got back from a trip to the grocery store. I bought the groceries while J filled the 5-gallon water bottles at the machines outside. I hope he’s okay with this distribution of labor, because I know I really… Read moreHairtastic

Right Now, Less Cow

I wasn’t that successful at the 29-Day Giving Challenge. In fact, I’m not even sure if the original 29 days have passed. However, I like the idea of a challenge, and stretching myself in new ways. So I’ve just signed… Read moreRight Now, Less Cow

What Kind of Coffee Girl Am I?

You Are a Cappuccino You’re fun, outgoing, and you love to try anything new. However, you tend to have strong opinions on what you like. You are a total girly girly at heart – and prefer your coffee with good… Read moreWhat Kind of Coffee Girl Am I?