I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead

So one of the blogs I follow is titled Sleeping Should Be Easy. And you’d think, wouldn’t you?

But apparently not.

As I’ve written, Baguette is not a fan of sleep. She is a master at finding ways to keep herself awake, even when she’s clearly exhausted. And then there are nights when she does a decent job of going to sleep, but for some reason wakes up–awake!–at 2 or 3 in the morning.

Last night was one of those nights.

Baguette kept punching and climbing on Mr. Sandwich in her sleep, so I kept pulling her back to me and holding her. Eventually, I think she settled down.

Then, at about 2, she woke up and wanted to talk. I tried hushing her, and she’d settle down, and then she’d rev back up. So, finally, I said, “Do you want to go in the living room with Mommy?”

She said, “Yes!” slid off the bed, ordered, “Come on, Wicket!” (the dog’s bed is in the corner) and waited for me to get up.

Thankfully, she didn’t want to watch TV. No, she wanted to lie down on the couch and snuggle with me under a blanket.

Yes, that is exactly what we’d been doing in bed. Where it was warmer.

Wicket, meanwhile, came out but did not want to stay in her other bed, which sits just above the couch. (Mr. Sandwich built a platform for it, it doesn’t just hover there–although that would be cool.) No, she wanted to come down and sleep on the same couch cushion that Baguette and I were using for a pillow.

This is why we don’t let the dog on the bed.


7 thoughts on “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead

    1. Thanks! We find her adorable, and she’s just the most wonderful dog we could ever imagine. She’s our first, and I truly believe she’s spoiled us for all other dogs.

  1. Oh, I feel your pain. Neither of my kids were easy sleepers. Both sleep through most nights now, so I am coming out of almost 6 years of sleep deprivation. It feels good to come out the other side!

    1. If she were just a few years older, I would tell her to get up and just keep the sound down on the TV.

  2. Thanks to the cold bug spreading around, my little guy—who has normally been so good about sleeping at night—has been waking up crying from a stuffed nose or a cough. Poor thing. So yeah, we’re back to interrupted sleep and I’m just hoping that he goes back to sleeping those straight hours again! Hopefully Baguette can fall back asleep too during those 2am wake ups! I feel like everyone is just so much more tired the next day when that happens.

    Thanks also for the link love 🙂

    1. I get that way when I have a cold–I can sympathize! Hopefully everyone is healthy and well-rested soon.

      Usually when Baguette is up at that hour, she just wants to watch TV. This time she had absolutely no interest in it, which surprised me. But I was also quite happy about that.

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