Best Saturday Ever (So Far)

Yesterday Baguette started taking swim classes again, and then we had lunch at Carl’s Jr. with Bestie and her family, in what has become something of a Saturday tradition. (It used to be McDonald’s, but we all got tired of McDonald’s, and their “we’re a coffee house” rebranding means that they don’t have booths, which we really need to corral two bubbly little girls, and for crying out loud, why don’t fast food places have changing stations?)

After we eat, we go outside to the tiny strip of grass behind the parking lot and let the girls run around. They have a playdate, energy gets burned off, and then we go our separate ways for naptime.

Baguette is nap-resistant (as I may have mentioned), and yesterday she only slept for an hour before coming out to the living room. But it turned out that the pool and the playing really had worn her out, and she fell back asleep with us–and stayed that way for almost another two hours.

That meant that I spent Saturday afternoon with my daughter snuggled up against me under a blanket and the dog in her bed next to us, while Mr. Sandwich and I stretched out from opposite ends of the couch and watched several–several!–back episodes of Cougar Town.

Later on, there was a massive meltdown (purple snow pants were both essential and intolerable). But that doesn’t take away from the fact that when all of us were cosy and curled up together as a family, I had everything I’ve ever wanted in life. all in one place, all at the same time. It was the best, most magical Saturday afternoon I’ve ever had.

This morning Baguette wanted to ride her tricycle, and let me tell you, helping a little girl in robot pajamas and pink owl rainboots steer around the block on a Radio Flyer trike? Makes for a pretty good Sunday morning, too.

Radio Flyer & Tricycle

Photo by mollypop, via Flickr. Creative Commons.

10 thoughts on “Best Saturday Ever (So Far)

  1. One of my favorite days in recent memory also involved a shared nap while monsoon-style rains provided background music. Funny how my definition of awesomeness re. weekends has shifted so drastically in the past three years.

    1. I like to get out and do things, and I’ve been lucky enough to see a lot of the world. But my absolute favorite days all involve staying at home and reading or watching TV. Mind you, these activities aren’t foreign to me either–it’s not like they’re special because they’re rare. I’m not entirely sure what that means.

    1. Shows really stack up in our DVR these days. We’d have to take a vacation and leave Baguette in day care just to catch up.

  2. For whatever reason, I adore that photo. Snuggled up on the couch watching TV together pretty much sounds like the best Saturday ever to me too. And is McD’s really getting rid of booths? That is a BS idea. I guess we only drive thru these days…

    1. I wish I’d taken it! The colors are great, aren’t they?

      Yes, they’re trying to get some of that Starbucks business. In my opinion, booths are one of the things missing from Starbucks. I love booths.

  3. The downtime days are always among my favorites. There’s nothing like snuggling with the little one.

    Thanks for your comment to my post last week–I tried to publish it and Blogger deleted it, gar.

  4. Aw, I love long-nap days! One hour is more than enough in our household, now that the kiddo has been skipping them entirely. I tell him that it’s *me* that needs a nap now 😉 Glad you guys got your cuddle time, and it’s amazing how it’s these simple days that always bring so much pleasure.

    1. The only–literally the ONLY–downside to long-nap days is that they throw the rest of her sleep schedule off as well.

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