
We’ve added something to our weekends.

Weekdays are too tight—and too demanding—for me to ask Baguette to do daily chores. But weekends? On weekends we’ve got all day. We can pace ourselves.

Mind you, this isn’t really systematic at this point. Sometimes I forget to print off the sheet. Sometimes I forget to add a sticker. Sometimes I do the chores myself, because that’s the best way to handle that weekend. Sometimes they don’t get done, for the same reason. It’s a learning process for all of us.

white hand towels and washcloths in messy stacks, with a list of weekend chores

I could re-fold these. But I think that will tell her that her work isn’t good enough. And, really, a messy stack of towels isn’t even remotely the biggest problem with our housekeeping. We can refine this over time.

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