I Would Make a Terrible Addict

Right now I feel drunk. I’m not drunk, though. I’m on Percocet, and I don’t much care for it.

On the other hand, I care even less for the pain that comes with passing a kidney stone. But every time I have to take heavy-duty painkillers, I’m very aware that pain management comes with side effects.


On the plus side, I’m at home, because Mr. Sandwich came to my office and took me to the ER and brought me here, where I can sit on the couch with a cuddly little dog. And that’s definitely better than how I felt a few hours ago.

But you know what? If I wanted to feel drunk, I’d probably just drink. It’s cheaper and faster than going to the ER, and I don’t have to be in acute physical pain to do it.

Another side effect is that I’m not really coherent. Exhibit A: This post.

I hope you’re all feeling better than I am. Happy Thursday, everyone!

10 thoughts on “I Would Make a Terrible Addict

  1. Hope you feel better soon! I had to take Vicodin during my pregnancies for migraines, and like you, I hated the way it made me feel (super tired and foggy-headed), but it was better than the pain.

  2. Oh, my. I’ve had kidney stones twice. Not fun. (Not in my opinion, though, worse than unmedicated labor, which I have also experienced, albeit not through to the end- but my second labor went FAST and I was probably about 20 mins from delivery when I finally got the epidural. And then we discovered the baby was breech and I ended up having a C-section.)

    Anyhow, the first time I had them was in grad school and my boyfriend at the time took me to the ER where they gave me heavy narcotics. When I got home from that, I remember calling my parents, and all I remember of that conversation is them asking me over and over if my boyfriend was there with me. I apparently was making no sense whatsoever.

    The second time, they must have been smaller, because I did not figure out why my back hurt so damn much until I passed them, having taken nothing stronger than some ibuprofen. I lived alone at the time, and probably if someone else had been there to move me, I’d have gone to the ER that time, too. But I knew I couldn’t drive so I just stayed put. When I told my friends later, they pointed out that this is why we have ambulances. It honestly did not occur to me to call for help.

    I hope yours pass soon, and while you are doped up. Definitely the better way to go.

    1. My labor was medicated, but the medications didn’t work, so it was kind of like an unmedicated labor. This round of stones (hopefully they’re gone) was bad, but not as bad as the first two–on both occasions, I barely avoided passing out in the waiting room at the ER, and that was definitely worse than labor for me. This round, I’ve been having back pain every few days for about three weeks, but it was manageable with NSAIDs until yesterday.

    1. That’s certainly been the case for me. And I say that as someone who was in labor for over 36 hours.

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