Top 10 TV Shows

Ginger from Ramble Ramble is continuing her writing prompts. Since I can talk about TV a lot (it’s actually part of what brought Mr. Sandwich and me together), let me share my top 10 TV shows. My Top 10 Shows… Read moreTop 10 TV Shows

How Was Your Weekend?

Ours started a day early, kind of. On Friday, Baguette’s cast came off (huzzah!). What was her response to this development? Sock all gone. I got a foot! At the moment she walks with that foot turned out, and she… Read moreHow Was Your Weekend?

If You’re Squeamish, Stop Reading Now

So I’m sitting on the couch while Mr. Sandwich and one of his friends are working in the garage. All of a sudden, Mr. Sandwich walks in briskly and says, “We’re going to the emergency room.” I follow him into… Read moreIf You’re Squeamish, Stop Reading Now