Things to Keep in Mind When Planning a Reunion

1) Name tags must be legible. Don’t use tiny script fonts because you think they look elegant. A name tag is useless to me if I can’t read the name.

2) Have some events to get people mingling and talking. Dinner and a DJ means people just stay at one table. That excludes the out-of-towners who may be trying to reconnect.

3) Don’t be cheap with your bar. It’s not necessary to have an open bar, but there’s no reason not to include a drink or two in the price of admission. And don’t charge for sodas. Just don’t.

4) If it’s a class reunion, have yearbooks. It’s been a while, and we don’t all look the same. Sometimes that photo makes a difference. And having them on the illegible name tags is not enough.

5) If you’re having a directory or memory book of some kind, for crying out loud, have it copyedited. It just looks sloppy to have names and dates listed incorrectly. Especially if the date of the event is wrong.

On a related note, I’d really like to know how many people actually buy the panoramic pictures, and what they do with them afterward. Do they look at them and have happy memories of how the photographer yelled at the group throughout the photo?